The Nicola Mameet IR1 Subdivision Feasibility Study

Beginning in the fall of 2022, the Lower Nicola Indian Band (LNIB) initiated the Nicola Mameet IR1 Subdivision Feasibility Study!

As part of this study, we will be inviting community members, living on and off-reserve, to share their ideas and experiences to inform the future development of housing and potential locations for residential subdivisions on Nicola Mameet IR1.

The purpose of the Subdivision Feasibility Study is to examine current and future housing needs. Through this process, we will identify constraints and opportunities in several locations across the community to select an appropriate site for future residential development.

We’ve moved into an exciting stage of the Nicola Mameet IR1 Subdivision Feasibility Study, and we need your help. We’ve developed three neighbourhood layout options with park space, trails, and a range of housing options for an area near the junction of Highway 97C and Mamit Lake Branch Road.

Latest Update

In the fall of 2022, we heard a lot of feedback about the community’s preferred site for a new residential neighbourhood and key considerations that need to be thought of as the project moves forward. Based background studies of the six sites, and community preferences, Chief and Council provided direction to move forward with a detailed look at site 6 (see map above for site 6 location).

To read the complete engagement summary from the first phase of engagement, click here.

Based on the detailed on-site and background review of the conditions of site 6, three neighbourhood layout options were developed. Each of the three neighbourhood options include:

  • a variety of park space
  • trails, and
  • a mix of housing options, ranging from single detached homes to townhouses or small apartment buildings.

Now, we are in the second phase of community engagement where we are asking for feedback on preferences and opportunities for three potential neighbourhood layout options for Site 6. We’re looking for the community’s help to confirm a preferred neighbourhood option to move forward with and complete more detailed design work.

Take the survey (From April 8 until May 6)

Complete the survey before it closes on May 6, 2024. If you need help filling out the survey or would like a paper copy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Justice Cisco at

Participate in the upcoming community events
Enjoy a BBQ, children’s entertainment/bouncy castles, face painting, balloon artist, an artist performance, and enter a draw to win door prizes (Dyson Cooling Fan, Inflatable Paddle Boards, and Swing Chair)!

WHEN: Wednesday, April 17, 2024, from 4:00 - 7:00 PM
WHERE: Shulus Hall (85 HWY 8 W, Merritt, BC)

Community Event Schedule on April 17, 2024:

  • LNIB AGM: 2-4 PM - Members are welcome to attend a presentation on the annual report and annual financial statements.
  • Community BBQ Dinner: 4–5 PM - Enjoy a BBQ and community gathering.
  • Lands Update and Open House: 4 – 7 PM - Drop by and share your thoughts on the layout options for a new residential neighbourhood. Also, find out about Natural Resource Canada’s Survey Capacity Development Project and sign up for the survey training.

About the Nicola Mameet IR1 Subdivision Feasibility Study

The Subdivision Feasibility Study is intended to examine current and future housing needs and identify technical constraints and opportunities in several locations across the community to select an appropriate site for future residential development. The following key elements will need to be considered as part of this Study.

  • Alignment with the LNIB Land Code, and LNIB-specific laws and policies,
  • Engagement with the LNIB project team and the wider LNIB community,
  • Identification of access and servicing requirements,
  • Review of technical servicing strategies,
  • Impacts on adjacent areas including current development and environmental areas,
  • Potential flood issues and mitigation,
  • Areas of cultural significance,
  • Costs of future development including construction, operations, and maintenance,
  • Consideration of land tenure and housing typology, and
  • Implementation and sequencing of future development.
The Study consists of two key phases which involves engaging the community, reviewing existing background documents and LNIB policies, and analyzing technical and environmental conditions, such as servicing capacity studies to learn where the best locations are in the community for the development of housing.

Project Overview and Process

How Land Use Decisions Are Made

The LNIB Chief and Council make land-use decisions after receiving recommendations from the Lands Management Advisory Committee and community input. LNIB holds the expectation that each and every land development and resource management project, such as the Nicola Mameet IR1 Subdivision Feasibility Study, will be carried out to the highest standards.

LNIB’s priority is to protect and conserve all resources within tékm Nłeʔkepmx he tmíxʷ (“all our territory”). We, LNIB, will consider what is important to the community, living on and off-reserve, and will seek to understand how subdivision and housing decisions will affect our community.

In this process, LNIB will be inviting community members, living on and off-reserve, to share their ideas and experiences to inform the future development of housing and potential locations for residential subdivisions on Nicola Mameet IR1.

Your experiences and ideas matter to us!

The Lower Nicola Indian Band recognizes that everyone has experiences and desires for housing. Whether you live on or off-reserve, your experiences, and ideas matter to us. We invite you to share with us how to make Nicola Mameet IR1 a place to call home for our community and for future generations to come.

We want to hear from youth, Elders, on and off-reserve community members, to learn about what types of housing is needed and where, so that members can remain in the community. We need your help to identify locations in the community that are desirable for new housing and to develop a concept for future residential development.

We will be talking with community members to understand:

  • Why housing is important to you;
  • Your current housing experiences;
  • What types of housing are needed and where; and
  • What your hopes and dreams are for future housing.

Community Engagement Process & Timeline

Let’s Talk Housing!

Phase 1 Engagement Overview

In the first phase of engagement, we talked a lot about housing and what a new neighbourhood could look like to meet the community’s current and future needs. We met with family lands holders, Elders, and the wider community to hear their thoughts on six initial site options for a new residential neighbourhood. The community told us many things about the initial site options and shared their housing needs for the project team to consider. Read the engagement summary to find out about the key findings, click here.

The following is a description of Phase 1 activities:

  • For All Community Members - On & Off-Reserve

  • “A Place to Call Home” Community Gathering
    An all ages gathering with fun activities for children, youth, families, and Elders! Door prizes and a community meal was provided. Community members were invited to share with us their housing experiences and ideas.
    When: Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 1:00PM - 4:00PM
    Where: Shulus Hall (85 HWY 8 W, Merritt, BC)

  • Online Survey
    An online survey was carried out between September 14th until October 26th, 2022 to gather housing ideas and experiences.

  • For Elders & Knowledge Keepers Meetings
    An opportunity for Elders and Knowledge Keepers to share their valuable experiences and knowledge of housing and the land. LNIB sent out formal invitations to members.

  • For Family Land Holders Meetings
    An opportunity for Family Land Holders to share their unique experiences and knowledge of housing and land ownership. LNIB sent out formal invitations to members.

  • What We Heard Report
    Phase 1 of engagement ran from September to October 2022. We had approximately 110 points of contact with community members, Elders & Knowledge Keepers, and Family Land Holders. Through a variety of engagement activities, we listened to community members’ ideas and experiences, living on and off-reserve, to inform the future development of housing and potential locations for residential subdivisions on Nicola Mameet IR1.


Project Documents

Questions about the study can be directed to:

Stephen Jimmie, Director of Lands and Housing
Phone: 250-378-5157